Woman awarded €117,000 after injuring ankle in slip on icy path (via The Irish Times)

Judge says emergency services and local authorities were undoubtedly stretched to the limit at the time of the incident

The High Court has awarded €117,000 to a woman who suffered a severe ankle injury when she slipped on an icy path.

The total value of the award was €175,000 but this was reduced as the court found that Catia Haider was one-third responsible for her accident during a very cold spell in January 2010.

Mr Justice Michael Hanna said he accepted that the path was cleared with a min-digger bucket. However, he said the walkway should have been gritted immediately and this was not done. The judge noted that gritting subsequently took place on the section of path where the incident occurred.

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€40,000 settlement after cabin pressure drop left some Ryanair passengers with bleeding ears during emergency landing (via Independent.ie)

The cases arise from an incident during a flight between Dublin and Zadar in Croatia

The first in a series of compensation claims against Ryanair over injuries allegedly sustained during an emergency landing has been settled for around €40,000.

The cases arise from an incident during which an aircraft cabin became depressurised on a flight between Dublin and Zadar, Croatia.

A sudden loss of cabin pressure forced the pilots to rapidly descend.

Oxygen masks were released during the incident.

German police said 33 of 189 passengers were hospitalised, some bleeding from their ears, after the plane made an emergency landing at Frankfurt Hahn Airport on July 13, 2018.

An interim report by the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation described it as a “serious incident”.

It triggered a raft of lawsuits, and the first one to reach court was settled yesterday without any admission of liability by the airline.

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Claimant loses £49k damages as High Court overturns ‘injustice’ finding (via The Law Society Gazette)

An injured person who claimed more than £500,000 for lost earnings – while hiding the fact he was still in paid work – has lost his entire damages award because of fundamental dishonesty.

In Woodger v Hallas, Mr Justice Julian Knowles overturned a county court ruling that claimant Steven Woodger should still receive around £49,000 compensation in spite of his dishonesty.

The county court had indicated that Woodger would suffer ‘substantial injustice’ if he missed out on some of the money due to him but the judge said there was no proper or adequate basis for this finding. ‘In every case where the court goes on to find fundamental dishonesty ex hypothesi the claimant will stand to lose their genuine damages,’ he said. ‘Parliament has provided in express terms that that should be so, subject to the question of substantial injustice.’

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