Young disabled man awarded €1m over serious brain injury in assault at respite centre (via

A man in his early 20s with a physical and intellectual disability, who claimed he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury when he was pushed in a respite centre, has settled his High Court action for €1 million.

The man, who was granted anonymity by the court, sued the respite service provider claiming the injury was the result of an assault by a fellow service user at the centre.

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Court of Appeal orders fresh hearing of actions by women injured while dismounting playground swing (via Irish Times)

The Court of Appeal found it was ‘erroneous’ to dismiss the cases against Tipperary County Council

The Court of Appeal has directed a fresh hearing of two separate actions brought by women who injured their ankles while getting off a playground swing.

The High Court previously dismissed the cases of Susan O’Mahoney and Sarah Kennedy, finding there was no negligence or breach of duty by Tipperary County Council.

On Friday, Mr Justice Seamus Noonan and two Court of Appeal colleagues found the dismissal was “erroneous”.

Fresh evidence adduced before the appeal court was capable of having a “very significant, if not indeed decisive effect” on the High Court’s conclusion that the swing in the community playground in Newcastle, Co Tipperary, complied with applicable British standards, the judge said.

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Determining if You Have a Cancer Misdiagnosis Case (via Paul & Perkins – USA)

The following article appeared on the website of US medical malpractice law firm Paul & Perkins but it contains useful guide with universal principles for those trying to determine if they have a potential cancer misdiagnosis case.

Cancer misdiagnosis victims may be able to file a medical negligence, or medical malpractice, lawsuit against the doctor or other party responsible for the cancer misdiagnosis. When filing a lawsuit against another party, the patient or patient’s family is referred to as the plaintiff. The doctor or other party in question is referred to as the defendant. A cancer misdiagnosis lawsuit may be filed against any party responsible for the cancer misdiagnosis, such as a nurse, pathologist, or any company or entity that employs the responsible personnel.

A cancer misdiagnosis can be complex and time-consuming. When patients believe that medical negligence was the cause of their cancer misdiagnosis, the patients and their families should seek the legal assistance of a cancer misdiagnosis lawyer. A cancer misdiagnosis lawyer can review the case’s facts, file a cancer misdiagnosis lawsuit, and follow-through with the legal process.

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