Dear Diary… Diaries & Personal Injury Cases

Many people are familiar with the basics of personal injury cases. They understand “pain & suffering,” and the fact that the party at fault should pay their medical bills and any out of pocket expenses. One thing all claimants need to prove to any Court is the fact that they are suffering and have sustained a loss of a normal life. Believe it or not, keeping a diary following a personal injury is the way to do this.

Why Keep a Diary

Even if yDiaryou are in a relatively minor car crash and only see a doctor or physical therapist for a month or so, by the time your Solicitor obtains all the medical records and bills, submits them to the insurance company, and there is an offer on the table, it is months after the crash. Do you remember how many times you mowed your lawn last year or how many times you washed the car last year? Exactly! Since most of us are so busy we can hardly remember what is for dinner or what we have to pick up at the shop on the way home tonight, we can hardly be expected to recall specific limits on our activity from months, or years ago. If court proceedings have to be issued, the earliest it will go to trial is a year or year and a half after the date of the incident. In complex cases, this could be as much as 4 years or more after the actual incident occurred. How can you remember your medical treatment and limits on your activity from that long ago? A diary is a great way to do this!

What to Keep in My Diary

I tell my clients to keep it simple. Some prefer elaborate excel spreadsheets, while others like to handwrite their diary. Emails work too. Whatever your preferred method or format, the things I tell everyone to include is the following:

  • Things you cannot do at all following the incident (and for how long you could not do them);
  • Things you can do, but which you experience pain or are limited in how well or for how long you can perform them;
  • Keep a note of the general chronology of your doctor visits, so, if you are asked at a consultation/court 2 years later whether you had an MRI of your shoulder before or after your son’s wedding, you’ll remember, or at least be able to piece it together;

The general rule is to focus on activities of daily living (ADLs). Think about a woman with a shoulder rotator cuff tear, who, following surgery, is unable to apply mascara, put her hair in a ponytail, or drive a manual car. Think about the man with the back injury who, despite having received the dream trip to St. Andrew’s golf course in Scotland from his wife, cannot golf at that sport’s birthplace due to his injury. This is the personal details you need to record.

What NOT to Keep in My Diary

Do not post things that have nothing to do with your case. Do not talk about extraneous things or things that might prove embarrassing if someone else did see the diary.

Who Sees Your Diary?

Generally, only you and your Solicitor will see this. There is a trend now where defence solicitors are now seeking diaries during the discovery process. However, most judges are firmly against this as of writing. But, just in case this changes, the general rule is never to record anything in your diary which is not 100% accurate.

When do I Use My Diary?

Take your diary with you for all your medical appointments and attendances with your Solicitor and/or barristers. Highlight all the important points and make sure that you tell your medical and legal team how your incident is impacting your daily life.

About Social Media

If you are like most of us, you have an account with Facebook, Instagram, possibly Twitter, and Linkedin, to name just a few major platforms. Defence Solicitors are increasingly successful in obtaining information from these areas from injured plaintiffs. If you go on vacation to Spain while claiming your back is too injured from the car crash to work, but post a photo of you on a jet ski, expect that to be used against you. For that reason, the advice I give clients is do not post anything concerning the incident, their injuries, or their health, from the time they are injured until their case is over.


Personal Injury cases are much more complicated than most people realise, and require the talents of an experienced Solicitor. To help your Solicitor, documenting your injuries is something you should be doing and if you have not started a diary, do so today.

What we do. 

At Gary Matthews Solicitors we put you, the client first.

There are strict time limits for submitting a claim and if the application is incomplete it will probably be rejected. Most people are not familiar with submitting claims to the Injuries Board and therefore forget to include essential information for their claim. This may and does result in a claimant not getting the full value of their claim or in the worst case their claim being struck out .

Once you enlist the help of Gary Matthews Solicitors in making your personal injury claim, we will handle the case from then on. We will be able to explain how long your claim should take to settle and give you a rough idea of how much compensation you may be entitled to. 

We offer Legal Advice to ensure you are fully aware of the Injuries Board Process and what you must do. For Advice you can complete an Enquiry Form here.  

Our expert team have also arranged our most frequently asked questions, offering an overview of the claims process. Click the image below to view the full range of questions. 

The Injuries Board offers no support!

 The Injuries Board will not advise you if your case may be statute barred!

The case of Patricia Carroll -v- Mater Misericordiae Hospital [2011] IEHC 231 is an excellent example of this.

The background facts of her case was as follows; Patricia was a housewife and on the 30th May, 2005 she was as an in-patient in the Mater Hospital and whilst she was on medication consisting of a number of drugs, she left her bed unaccompanied and went to the bathroom. Whilst entering the bathroom and possibly due to the medication, she became dizzy, fainted and fell. As a result she suffered severe personal injury.

The Mater hospital defended the case on the basis that her claim was statute-barred, because it is an action to which the Personal Injury Assessment Board Act 2003 does not apply and consequently is one which is required to be brought within two years of the date of the accident, i.e. the 29th May, 2007. Patricia’s Personal Injuries Summons was issued on the 17th April, 2008.

The Judge agreed with The Mater Hospital and decided that Patricia’s claim was statute-barred and she did not receive any compensation for her injuries.

Remember, the Injuries Board does not provide legal advice and if you are dealing with the Injuries Board personally, you run the risk, like Patricia, of not issuing your proceedings in time, or worst still, you may be suing the wrong Defendants!

If you, or someone you know, is dealing directly with the Injuries Board, forward this to them so that they can contact us to get immediate impartial independent legal advice. Contact Gary Matthews Solicitors directly on 01 903 6250, or by logging onto our website and completing the online enquiry form.

Are you being scammed by your insurance company?

Don’t let your insurance company use “replica car parts”.

After an accident, some insurance companies are using replica car parts, without notifying policyholders, in an attempt to keep the cost of the repair bills down. The potential savings can be substantial. A replica wing for a Volkswagen Golf costs about £40. A wing made by Volkswagen will set the insurance company back about £136. A Mercedes Benz C Class wing will cost just over £300, a replica around £100. More importantly there is a difference in the build quality of replica parts. They are lighter and have a shorter lifespan than original parts!

This practice of using replica car parts is being implemented by the insurers “approved repairers” who are acting on the insurers instructions and not in your best interests! After an accident you have the right to get your vehicle fixed at the repairer of your choice and you can insist on them using original parts.

To ensure that this happens, contact us immediately after your accident on 01 903 6250 or by completing our on line enquiry form at

Our team are experienced Solicitors in dealing with car accident claims and guiding you through the car repair process.

 Complete the Enquiry Form below & a member of our team will get back to you. 

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