‘I’ve discovered through DNA testing my father isn’t my biological dad’ (via Irish Times)

Tell Me About It: ‘I don’t want to rip my family apart to get answers that won’t be enough’

By Trish Murphy


Question: I just found out through DNA testing that my father isn’t my biological dad, and my real father died many years ago. No one else knows this except my husband and presumably my mother. She most likely had an affair – they were in the same social club.

Only my mother knows the truth, but I don’t want to rip my family apart and wreck my elderly parents’ marriage just to get some answers that I know won’t be enough.

Answer: Did you try DNA testing out of curiosity or because you had some niggle or unanswered questions? Usually, before seeking or waiting for a DNA result, we go through “what if” scenarios in our heads and this may have prepared you somewhat for the situation you are now in. You have discovered some key information: your birth father is dead and your mother and he were in the same social club. Maybe you have half siblings that don’t know of your existence or your children (if you have any) may be likely to engage with people in their lives who are actually their relatives – this becomes difficult when the next generation starts dating.

This may be an unlikely scenario if you live in a city, but it becomes a genuine possibility if you are living in a smaller community. Inherited medical conditions may also be important to either you or your (future) children and we have not even broached the topics of identity and belonging.

Would you like it if your children did not tell you what was going on in their lives for fear of upsetting you?
All this leads to the reality that you now have knowledge that you cannot unknow, so the question is what do you do with it?

Driver (22) who drove through red light and knocked down man avoids jail over death

By Declan Brennan and Brion Hoban, 23 February 2022


A young driver who drove through a red light and knocked down a pedestrian who died has received a fully suspended sentence.

Lawyers for Letitia Barry (22) told Dublin Circuit Criminal Court that there were unusual features at the pedestrian crossing at Whitestown Road, in Rush, Co Dublin which made the position of the victim somewhat invisible to a driver at a certain point.

The court heard that local man John Byrne had used the road crossing many times before and always waited for the pedestrian green light before crossing.

A forensic analysis of the lights sequencing indicated that there was a gap of six seconds between the vehicular lights going red and the pedestrian light going green.

After her car hit him John Byrne was flipped in to the air.

His head hit the kerb and he was brought to hospital and died as a result of the head injuries sustained.

Barry stayed at the scene after the collision and she and other members of the public tried to provide some comfort to Mr Byrne with blankets.

In her later statement to gardaí, Barry said that she was approaching the junction when her friend who was the front seat passenger shouted “he is going to run”.

She said she slammed on the brakes and the car swerved.

She said she didn’t remember if the light was green or red, or how fast she was going.

An analysis of her mobile phone showed no evidence to suggest she was using it while driving and analysis of the tyre braking marks on the road indicated she was driving within the speed limit of 50km/hr.

Witnesses told gardaí that the traffic lights were red for drivers when Mr Byrne “took off in a run from the footpath”.

One woman said she saw Mr Byrne’s foot go out onto the road and the car hitting him with a thud.

Collision investigators found that the car was in good working order, but that the swerving tyre marks were consistent with the brakes locking up.

They found the ABS dashboard light indicated a fault, but could not say if this was showing before the collision.

A garda report noted that the location of “street furniture” such as lamp standards and the traffic lights, had a tendency to obscure pedestrians from drivers at the point Mr Byrne had been standing.

The report stated the layout was not in accordance with the relative manual for the ideal placement of street furniture.

Barry of Rivermeade Park, St Margarets, Dublin, pleaded guilty to driving a car without due care and attention, thereby causing the death of John Byrne.

Sergeant Derek Dalton accepted a submission from defending counsel Conor Devally SC that if the defendant had seen a red light she would not have run it.

Counsel said that his client was a “relatively inexperienced” driver, having received her full licence three months earlier.

A relative of Mr Byrne told the court that death of their “son, brother and uncle” has irrevocably changed the lives of his family.

She said that Mr Byrne was a gentle, kind and very sociable man who had many friends in the area and a wide range of interests, including discos and GAA.

She said the loss is a daily pain for them, “the pain and grief knowing we will never see his smile or hear his laugh again”.

She said the family continue to receive letters of gratitude from families who benefited from the organs donated by Mr Byrne on his death.

Mr Devally told the court that his client has had great difficulty in coping with the results of her actions.

“At all times she intended to fulfil her duties as a driver. She failed in this instance,” he said.

Passing sentence today, Judge Melanie Greally said that Mr Byrne was in no way responsible for the accident and that he had acted exactly as one should at a pedestrian crossing.

Judge Greally said everything said about Mr Byrne “conveyed a vivid picture of him as a loveable, larger than life young man”.

She said he “brought brightness into the lives of others” and it is no surprise “the void he has left is enormous”.

The judge said the principle fault factor was the failure by the accused to be alert to the pedestrian crossing and that the light was red.

She said the lapse was more than a split second, that it lasted nine seconds from when the amber light illuminated.

She said the mitigating factors included Barry’s plea of guilty, her co-operation, her lack of previous convictions and her youth.

She said she took into account that Barry will “forever bear the heavy burden of having caused the death of another”.

Judge Greally sentenced Barry to eight months imprisonment, but suspended the sentence in its entirety on strict conditions.

She said she did so due to the combination of the lack of aggravating factors and the number of mitigating factors, in particular Barry being the mother of a young child.

The judge also disqualified Barry from driving for six years.

Man (40) remanded over alleged attempt to collect pension at Carlow post office (via Irish Times)

Judge sentences Declan Haughney to six months over separate theft incidents

By Charlie Keegan, 23 February 2022


A 40-year-old who is accused of bringing a dead man into a post office in Carlow town in an attempt to collect his pension has been further remanded in custody with consent to bail.

Declan Haughney, of Pollerton Road, Carlow, who appeared via video link, faces two charges contrary to Section 6 of the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act.

They are that at 11.04am at Hosey’s Post Office on Staplestown Road, Carlow he induced by deception a member of staff, by producing a social welfare card in an attempt to withdraw the €246 pension of Peader Doyle.

The court was informed that the file is with the Director of Public Prosecutions in relation to the post office incident. Sgt Hud Kelly sought a four-week adjournment on those matters, which Haughney consented to.

Separately, Haughney was sentenced by Judge Geraldine Carty to six months imprisonment over an unrelated theft charge. He took goods valued at €175 from Sports Direct in Carlow’s Fair Green centre on January 15th last.

He was also convicted of three other theft charges relating to incidents in Carlow town on dates last month. These offences were taken into consideration by the judge, who ordered that the six month sentence commence from January 27th, the date he was first remanded in custody.

Sgt Hud Kelly told the court that Haughney has 48 previous convictions, 13 of which relate to theft.

Brendan Flaherty, solictor for Haughney, told the court his client wished to have the theft charges dealt with. The solicitor said the council house where his client had lived is now boarded up and he is homeless. “He has had his addiction problems over the years and is on methadone,” he said.