Prosecution of Soldier F for Bloody Sunday killings to resume (via Irish Times)

Soldier F charged with murder of William McKinney and James Wray and five counts of attempted murder

The prosecution of Soldier F for murder and attempted murder on Bloody Sunday is to resume.

The North’s Public Prosecution Service (PPS) confirmed on Thursday it had decided to continue with proceedings against Soldier F, which it had put on hold last year.

It follows the decision by senior judges in Belfast to refuse the PPS leave to appeal a ruling earlier this year quashing the decision to discontinue legal proceedings against Soldier F.

Mickey McKinney, the brother of William McKinney — one of two victims in relation to whom Soldier F faced a charge of murder — welcomed the decision and said he was “delighted” the prosecution of Soldier F was to recommence.

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Former horse racing trainer convicted of assaulting farmer with a whip (via Irish Times)

Judge Mary Larkin convicted Stephen Mahon of assault causing harm to farmer John Hughes

A judge has convicted former horse racing trainer Stephen Mahon of assaulting a farmer with a horse whip.

At Gort District Court on Thursday, Judge Mary Larkin convicted the ex-trainer of the assault causing harm to farmer John Hughes on a Co Galway boreen in October 2020.

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Judge orders arrest of ‘Revolutionary Housing League’ members occupying Dublin building earmarked for apartments (via

Concert held at property, court hears, and protesters face being jailed in Mountjoy Prison for contempt of court if they fail to comply

A judge has directed that all persons in breach of an injunction requiring them to vacate a Dublin building being used to house the homeless be arrested and brought before the High Court by the gardaí to answer their failure to comply with that order.

The order was made in respect of persons linked to a group calling itself the Revolutionary Housing League (RHL) which has allegedly illegally occupied Parkgate House in Dublin 8.

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