Teenager with skin cancer who sued over misdiagnosis settles action for €2m (via Irish Times)

Liability admitted in case where boy’s cancer not diagnosed for two years

A teenage boy with skin cancer who sued over the misdiagnosis of a malignant lesion as benign when he first went to hospital has settled his High Court action for €2 million.

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Appeal court upholds €302,000 award for old injury worsened by traffic accident (via Irish Times)

Jo-Ann O’Sullivan was a passenger in a car that was hit from behind in August 2016

An appeal court has upheld a €302,000 award to a woman over injuries from a traffic accident.

Jo-Ann O’Sullivan (33) banged her head against a headrest which seriously exacerbated an earlier injury, the court heard.

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Parents ask to see ‘evidence of change’ as hospital apologises over baby’s death (via Irish Times)

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital manager acknowledges ‘traumatic events’ experienced by Danny Ryan’s parents

A couple whose baby died four days after his birth have said they want a Co Louth hospital, and the HSE in particular, to learn from the mistakes made.

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda apologised in the High Court on Tuesday to Danny Ryan’s parents, Brenda and Michael Ryan, for “deficits in care” as the couple settled an action relating to their son’s birth. The terms of the settlement are confidential.

In a statement outside court, the Ryans said too many people had stood in court before them with the same experience and devastating loss.

“If we had any advice for parents, it is to trust your gut at all times,” they said. “We challenge the HSE again today. We want to see evidence of change. No parent should have to make the decision to turn off their newborn baby’s life support.”

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